“Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. His hands can't hit what his eyes can't see. Now you see me, now you don't.”
A marital and family law practice
• Dissolution of marriage
• Spousal support
• Pre|postnuptial contracts
• Same-sex marriage & divorce
• Child support
• parental | Time sharing
• Grandparental rights
• Paternity
• Divorce Malpractice
• Expert Witness Testimony
• Second opinion
If only divorce was like a surgery, where you are anesthetized into a deep sleep and when you wake up, it’s all over.
Dissolution of marriage and healing require resolve and commitment. Resolving to adopt the right mindset will help you to get it right the first time and will greatly impact the outcome of your case. Being committed to fairness rather than revenge may even improve your most important relationships.
Resolve to work closely with your attorney with an open mind. Commit to being prepared and doing the homework that is asked of you. Embrace change. Know that your divorce will affect every aspect of your life, possibly for the better.
nobody wins in a divorce.
The legal system is a foreign land with its own language and customs. You will move through it much better if you proceed with a positive mindset, an open heart, and you learn to read the signs.
I believe in educating my clients. Once they understand a few principles about the law and procedure, they see how all related facts become useful tools with which to achieve their goals, amicably, or, if necessary, at trial. In the end, I want my clients to walk away with greater awareness of their lives, rather than of the limitations.
Essentially, the individuals who prevail and achieve emancipation on their own terms, with their dignity intact, are those who are active participants in their legal representation. Clear thinking is essential. Be willing to work for what you want to achieve. The more organized you are, the more organized your attorney will be. Commit to doing the homework that is asked of you. Pay attention. Be prepared. Go to the gym. Try to find your sense of humor.
Few attorneys set out to work in divorce court. Most avoid it. It is a specialization fraught with emotion and complexity. You would have to be insane to go into this line of work. Because I am suited to solving conflict, my life energy is best directed towards helping people resolve their issues with partners who are trying to control or take advantage of them. Gender is not the issue. The issue is intention—whether someone is acting unfairly or hurting you or your children.
My common sense and universal approach to law enhances my ability to help people solve their problems in- and outside of the courtroom. My personal organizational structure, good standing and respect for the courts and knowledge of judicial predilections can be a tremendous asset to your representation.
Initially, I may suggest enlisting help from your friends by asking them "What went wrong in your divorce?" Write it down and think about what can be learned. Chances are, if your friend had been better informed, or better represented, they would not have made the same decisions or mistakes. We learn best from our own experience, but it doesn’t hurt to consider how others prevailed or ended up with a raw deal in their divorce.
I had a chance encounter with the legend himself, Mohammed Ali, after I breached the fence of his training camp in Berrien Springs, Michigan. Larger than life to this former 10-year-old boy,this encounter left an indelible impression on me. I still have his faded autograph in my office.
Ali once told the press, “I hated every minute of training, but I said, ‘Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.'”
Lesson taken.
Douglas Kneller, Esq.
Mr. Kneller holds state and national certifications in marital and family law. His experience practicing in Florida spans 35+ years and he is available for expert witness matters related to any potential malpractice of your divorce attorney.
Thérèse Misita Truelove, Esq.
Mikaela Nordman, Esq.
Law Office
1112 Riverside Dr. Holly Hill, FL 32117
Mailing address
P.O. Box 15228, Daytona Beach, FL 32115
(386) 257-4699
“Happiness is your responsibility, no one else’s. The power to change and direct your life toward the fulfillment of your needs and dreams is within you.”